Family Constellation

Arte Sanar

What is the goal of a family constellation?

The goal of family constellations is to uncover the causes or factors that are often passed down from generation to generation, which explain and motivate our behaviors. These factors can sometimes manifest as personal and family tensions or conflicts.

These generational factors have their roots in family history events—unresolved conflicts from our ancestors, such as domestic violence, separations, or abuse, that are emotionally intense for the whole family and can affect some family members in the present in the form of depression, anxiety, psychosis, or other physical and/or psychological disorders.

What can a family constellation heal?

Those who practice family constellations claim that this technique can help with:

  • Relationship issues,
  • Dissatisfaction,
  • Childhood traumas,
  • Psychological disorders,
  • Understanding children’s behavior,
  • Unresolved grief,
  • Understanding certain symptoms and illnesses affecting the patient,
  • Resolving family problems and/or improving social relationships.

Family constellations primarily focus on providing solutions for family members, ensuring they find a proper place within their network of bonds. For this reason, it is important to investigate the most significant problems within the family tree, which, as mentioned earlier, have not been healed.

It can also be used to address issues in the workplace, with colleagues, and friendships.

How is a family constellation conducted?

According to Bert Hellinger’s method, it can be done in two ways:

  1. Group Setting: A group of individuals, usually those present in a session, gather, and each assumes the role of a family member assigned by the person constellating (the volunteer for therapy). In this way, it becomes easier to identify unresolved issues causing problems for the person and their family.
  2. Individual Setting: Instead of people, dolls or pieces of paper are used to represent family members. In this version, only the person constellating and the constellation facilitator (the therapist) are present, and together they manage the energies that arise.

Although family constellations help resolve intense past issues in all dimensions, it’s important to note that this method or technique is performed with a focus on the present and future, helping to guide life in a healthier direction by anchoring it in reality.