Bach Flowers

Arte Sanar

They are also recommended as a natural remedy for managing nervous crises, states of shock, or deep anguish. The Bach Method offers a variety of functions tailored to different individuals and situations, such as finding calm during anxiety or stress.

Who Invented Bach Flowers?

Dr. Edward Bach, a physician, homeopath, and researcher, discovered Bach flowers between 1926 and 1934. Through experimenting with different wildflowers, he identified 38 natural remedies effective for treating various emotional issues, utilizing the healing properties of these flowers.

What Are Bach Flowers Used For?

Dr. Bach believed that physical illnesses often stem from emotional imbalances. If these emotional problems persist, they eventually manifest as physical diseases. By restoring emotional balance, Bach theorized that physical ailments could be alleviated, leading to the development of emotional therapy.

These essences have the ability to positively influence emotions and help balance negative states. Below are some examples of how Bach Flowers can aid in treating specific emotional disturbances:

  • Fear: Essences like “Mimulus” are used for known and specific fears, while “Rock Rose” can help in cases of extreme fear or panic.
  • Anhedonia: Referring to the inability to experience pleasure, essences like “Wild Rose” and “Gentian” can be used to restore interest and joy in life.
  • Loneliness: Loneliness can be addressed with essences like “Heather,” which promotes connection with others and empathy, and “Water Violet” for those feeling distant from others.
  • Hypersensitivity: Emotional hypersensitivity may be treated with essences like “Agrimony,” which helps in facing and expressing internal feelings rather than hiding them behind a happy facade.
  • Sadness: “Mustard” is used for unexplained sadness, while “Gorse” may help when sadness seems persistent and hopeless.
  • Anxiety: Essences like “Aspen” are employed to treat vague anxiety or unknown fears, and “Cherry Plum” can assist during moments of intense anxiety or fear of losing control.

Benefits of Bach Flowers

Bach flowers are natural essences and are not considered medications. However, due to their numerous properties and benefits, they are indicated for helping to treat various cases of anxiety, lack of interest, and/or depression. Among their benefits, it is important to note that:

No Contraindications

Being completely natural remedies, they have no contraindications and do not interact with other medical treatments, making them suitable for everyone. They can be used by individuals of all ages, including pets.